From ProCopywriters, CopyCon is an annual event for everyone who works with words. Includes a number of talks and a variety of breakout sessions.

From ProCopywriters, CopyCon is an annual event for everyone who works with words. Includes a number of talks and a variety of breakout sessions.

From ProCopywriters, CopyCon is an annual event for everyone who works with words. Includes a number of talks and a variety of breakout sessions.
Project Details
To reflect name change from 'Copywriting Conference' to a much simpler 'CopyCon' a new brand and website was required. As event themes change each year the brand and website needed to be visually flexible but retain consistent and recognisable elements.
Design mechanics and patterns from the brand where pushed to the fore-front of the site. This resulted in a vibrant and visually interesting experience, even on longer-from content pages.
A simple and clear layout was introduced to help present important but often ‘at a glance’ content like the schedule and list of main speakers.
At a glance
Inject more of the Copywriting Conference brand into the visual design of the website
Have an 'at a glance' layout that exposes all important information and content
Create responsive designs that adapts to a breadth of content
Project Details
To reflect name change from 'Copywriting Conference' to a much simpler 'CopyCon' a new brand and website was required. As event themes change each year the brand and website needed to be visually flexible but retain consistent and recognisable elements.
Design mechanics and patterns from the brand where pushed to the fore-front of the site. This resulted in a vibrant and visually interesting experience, even on longer-from content pages.
A simple and clear layout was introduced to help present important but often ‘at a glance’ content like the schedule and list of main speakers.
At a glance
Inject more of the Copywriting Conference brand into the visual design of the website
Have an 'at a glance' layout that exposes all important information and content
Create responsive designs that adapts to a breadth of content
Project Details
To reflect name change from 'Copywriting Conference' to a much simpler 'CopyCon' a new brand and website was required. As event themes change each year the brand and website needed to be visually flexible but retain consistent and recognisable elements.
Design mechanics and patterns from the brand where pushed to the fore-front of the site. This resulted in a vibrant and visually interesting experience, even on longer-from content pages.
A simple and clear layout was introduced to help present important but often ‘at a glance’ content like the schedule and list of main speakers.
At a glance
Inject more of the Copywriting Conference brand into the visual design of the website
Have an 'at a glance' layout that exposes all important information and content
Create responsive designs that adapts to a breadth of content
CopyCon logo

Event logo

Event home page

About page

Here to help
Got any questions? I can help solve your branding, digital, user interface and graphic design problems. Call me on +44(0)7540 722301 or get in touch to start a conversation.
© 2024 Dean Hayden – This website does not use cookies for functionality, analytics or to collect data.
Here to help
Got any questions? I can help solve your branding, digital, user interface and graphic design problems. Call me on +44(0)7540 722301 or get in touch to start a conversation.
© 2024 Dean Hayden – This website does not use cookies for functionality, analytics or to collect data.
Here to help
Got any questions? I can help solve your branding, digital, user interface and graphic design problems. Call me on +44(0)7540 722301 or get in touch to start a conversation.
© 2024 Dean Hayden – This website does not use cookies for functionality, analytics or to collect data.